Well, the list will be right here. I will just have to remember to read my own blogs.
1. I will wash the bathroom, the kitchen floor, the stove top, and the counters every day even if I don't think they are that dirty. I will pretend that vacuuming and mopping are part of daily my exercise routine.
2. Likewise, I will change my clothing every day and make sure to do the laundry often. I do not want to look that good in what I eat!
3. I will practice facial gestures in the mirror until I can do them automatically. One can sometimes tell what another is saying by paying close attention to body language and gestures. I will have an "uh huh" face, an "oh no!" face, and an "of course!" face all down pat.
4. Just to be on the safe side, I will wear my reading glasses and hearing aids (if someday I have either) when company comes even though they may be uncomfortable and I will hate admitting to needing them. I know how exasperating it is to repeat something a half dozen times with ever increasing volume. It must be equally as exasperating to have no clue what the other person is saying (despite facial gestures and body language)!
5. I will always wear my false teeth (if someday I need those, too) when eating in the company of others.
6. I will announce my nap times beforehand so that I won't be caught snoring open mouthed or drooling on the pillow by unexpected drop-in visitors.
7. I will allow (nay, even encourage) my guests to bring food rather than force them to bravely swallow whatever concoction I thought I knew how to make.
8. I will turn around and check to see if I did indeed turn off the lights.
9. I will wear three sweaters, socks, and a hat rather than keep the heat set at a comfortable 92 degrees.
10. I will write down the address of this blog post and keep it handy. I know my days are numbered.